Equity Program

Learn more about the Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority’s Equity Program through the following reports.

Operations and Capital Improvements Equity Plan - adopted 12.14.22

Operations and Capital Equity Plan (old)

Capital Improvement Equity Plan (old)

Operations Equity Plan (old)

Mortenson/Thor Construction TGB Report

Ryan Construction TGB Report

HKS Design TGB Report 

Ryan Design TGB Report

Mortenson/Thor Construction Workforce Report 

Ryan Construction Workforce Report

Mortenson Zip Code Report

Ryan Zip Code Report


Targeted Businesses

The Targeted Business Program sets an 11% and 9% goal for construction contracts for the Project to be awarded to women - and minority-owned business enterprises, respectively. The Targeted Businesses that will receive credit on the U.S. Bank Stadium Project will ONLY be certified organizations from one of the following Minnesota-based firms:

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise - Directory

Targeted Group Business - Directory
(Economically Disadvantaged businesses do not apply)

CERT Program - Directory

Veterans Owned Small Business - Directory




Work Force Program

The MSFA recognizes the Minnesota Legislature's requirement that the MSFA establish construction workforce goals for utilization of women and minorities during construction as per the Minnesota Department of Human Rights reflects 32% for minority and 6% women participation.

Project Labor Agreement (PLA)
Project Wage Decision

The Veterans Inclusion Program

The Veterans Inclusion Program will detail efforts to include veteran-owned small businesses in construction contracts to be awarded by the Construction Manager.  Unfortunately, there are no goals associated with veteran owned small businesses or veteran workforce. However, the MSFA and the Team recognize it is our duty to ensure that the veteran population in Minnesota receives an opportunity to perform equally on this project.



Envision Community Program




January 27, 2016

March 23, 2016

May 25, 2016

May 25, 2016 (Operations)


      2016 Reports (click on icons to view reports)
 2016 Construction
Workforce EAF Zip Code Report
